If you decide to manually install Cryptofonts and host it on your website, download the latest release of Cryptofonts from GitHub to get started.

Download the latest release from GitHub

1. Move the CSS and web fonts into your project.

Copy the entire **webfonts**folder and the **cryptofont.css**into your project’s static assets directory (or where ever you prefer to keep front end assets or vendor stuff).

2. Reference the CSS

Add a reference to the **cryptofont.css**styling file into the <head>of each template or page that you want to use Crypto Font on. Pay attention to the pathing of your project and where you moved the files to in the previous step.

	<link href="cryptofont.css"rel="stylesheet">

3. Place icons in your UI’s markup

With the references complete, you can now start placing icons in your HTML’s <body>

We recommend using a consistent HTML element, like an <i>

You can place Crypto Fonts icons just about anywhere using the CSS Prefix cf and the crypto ticker.

	<!--some icons-->
	<i class="cf cf-btc"></i>  <!-- Bitcoin -->
	<i class="cf cf-eth"></i>  <!-- Ethereum -->
	<i class="cf cf-ltc"></i>  <!-- Litecoin -->